PmWiki's default templates for page lists are in Site.PageListTemplates, which is replaced during upgrades.
These default templates can be supplemented or overridden with custom templates stored in other locations.
If the page name is not specified as part of the template name, PmWiki's default configuration looks for templates in the following locations in the following order
Administrators can change those locations by using the $FPLTemplatePageFmt variable.
If the template is on the current page, the current page must be saved for changes involving the template to show up (preview alone will not work).
Custom page list templates
Custom templates are used in the same way as default templates: by referencing the desired format with the fmt=#anchor option.
There are several ways to indicate which template to use:
A pagelist template contains standard pmwiki markup.
When creating pagelist output, pmwiki iterates over each page returned from the pagelist and will include the pagelist template markup once for every page in the list.
Special references
During the page list iteration pmwiki sets 3 special page references: =, < and >.
These special page references are updated on each pagelist iteration and can be used with the page variables syntax, such as {=$variable}, to define a pagelist template which will format the pagelist output. The meaning of the special references are:
current page
so {=$Title}
displays the title of the current page in the iteration
previous page
so {<$Group}
displays the group of the previous page in the iteration
next page
so {>$Name}
displays the name of the next page in the iteration
The > and < references are most useful to help structure pagelist output before and after the actual pagelist. Some common tests used to structure pagelist output are:
(:template first:)
(:if equal {<$Group}:)
Iteration is at the beginning of list
(:template last:)
(:if equal {>$Group}:)
Iteration is at the end of list
(:template first {=$Group}:)
(:if ! equal {=$Group} {<$Group}:)
Iteration is at the first item in a group
(:template last {=$Group}:)
(:if ! equal {=$Group} {>$Group}:)
Iteration is at the last item in a group
(:template defaults:)
Default options to be used in the pagelist command
(:template first ...:) and (:template ! first ...:)
(:template last ...:) and (:template ! last ...:)
to specify output for the first or last page in the list or a group (use !first and !last for output except for the first/last page).
There's also a
(:template defaults ...:)
to allow a template to specify default options,
(:template each ...:)
to signify the repeated part, and
(:template none:)
whose content will appear if no page was found (from version 2.2.5).
These allow Pagelist templates to be easily separated into "sections"
that are included or not included in the output based on a variety of
conditions. These are intended to be improved versions of the
(:if ...:) conditions that have traditionally been used to control
pagelist output (however, the (:if:) conditions still work as before).
First, Each, Last, None
The simplest versions of the directives are:
(:template first:) # markup to display only for first page in list
(:template ! first:) # markup to display for every page in list but the first
(:template each:) # markup to display for each page in list
(:template last:) # markup to display only on last page in list
(:template ! last:) # markup to display for every page in list but the last
(:template none:) # markup to display only if no pages were found
So, a pagelist template can specify:
(:template first:)
Pages in the list:
(:template each:)
* [[{=$FullName}]] [-{{=$FullName}$:Summary}-]
(:template last:)
Displayed {$$PageCount} pages.
In addition, the "first" and "last" options can have control break
arguments that identify markup to be displayed on the first or last
page within a particular control section. For example, to specify
markup to be displayed upon reaching the first or last page of
a group, one can use
(:template first {=$Group}:)
(:template last {=$Group}:)
Thus, instead of writing control breaks using directives, as in
(:template default $:Maintainer=- order=$:Maintainer,name:)
(:template first {=$:Maintainer}:)
Default options
In addition, a template may specify default options to be used
in the pagelist command. For example, a pagelist template to
display a list of pages by their titles (and sorted by title)
might use:
Then an author could write (:pagelist fmt=#bytitle:) and the
pages would automatically be sorted by title without having to
specify an additional "order=title" option to the (:pagelist:)
To specify multiple parameters to an option enclose the parameters in double quotes, eg to sort by a page text variable and then the page name
(:template defaults order="$:Database,name" :)
(:template defaults ... :)
default options for pagelists using this template
(:template each:)
markup for each page in the pagelist
(:template first:)
markup output only for the first page in the pagelist
(:template last:)
markup output only for the last page in the pagelist
(:template first {=$Group}:)
markup output only for a page where the value of {=$Group} has just changed
(:template last {=$Group}:)
markup output only for a page where the value of {=$Group} will change with the next page
So, we have:
(:template defaults order=name:)
(:template first:)
Pages ordered by group
(:template first {=$Group}:)
Pages in group [[{=$Group}/]]
(:template each:)
* [[{=$FullName}]]
(:template last {=$Group}:)
{=$Group} contains {$$GroupPageCount} pages.
(:template last:)
{$$PageCount} pages total.
Page list template additional page variables
Additional Page Variables that are only available during pagelist are:
{$$PageCount} The current page count of this iteration
{$$GroupCount} The current group count of this iteration
{$$GroupPageCount} The current page count within the current group of this iteration
{$$option} The argument option values from (:pagelist:)
Use of {$$option}: For example {$$trail} returns the page name entered in the trail= option of the pagelist directive. You can make up custom "options" with no other purpose than being displayed in the pagelist.
To enable searches that return only one page to automatically redirect to that page add the following to a pagelist template where the "jump to a page" functionality is desired:
Any open tables, divs, or other
structures inside of (:pagelist:) are, by default, automatically closed at the
end of the pagelist command. In other words, (:pagelist:) acts like
its own complete page, as opposed to generating markup that is then
inserted into the enclosing page.
For example a table generated by the (:cell:)
directive in the first (:pagelist:) command is automatically closed
at the end of the pagelist. The (:cell:) in the second (:pagelist:)
command then starts a new table.
Note that the (:table:) directive doesn't actually start a new table,
it's the (:cell:) or (:cellnr:) directive that does it. All that the
(:table:) directive does is set attributes for any tables that follow.